Woman Meditating at Home

Yoga - Meditation - Herbal Medicine

Nourish your mind, body

& soul

About Me

Yoga has always been a part of Smita’s life. As a child she went to Indian Saturday School where she learnt

about the principles of leading a Yogic life. For the last 20 years Smita has completed at least one training in

Yoga, each year. She has completed teacher trainings with the Sivananda Ashram, Birthlight, the Himalayan

Institute, LYT Yoga and in Vishoka Meditation. She has undergone further training in anatomy with Gary

Carter and subtle body trainings with Tias Little and Rod Stryker. She is also qualified in Restorative Yoga

with ‘Restorative Yoga Queen’ Judith Lasater.

Smita left behind her desk job in the corporate sector and started her Yoga journey 20 years ago. She founded

Yoga Balance, a Yoga centre in Finchley. She encouraged a spirit of mentoring and during this time she taught many new teachers how to develop their teaching style and tap into their authenticity. Smita also p ractices as a medical herbalist and naturopath with certification from the College of Naturopathic Medicine.

Smita’s gentle style of teaching is suitable for beginners and for those who want to embrace a deeper

practice, that allows you to connect to your energy body. “For me Yoga is all about bringing freedom, flow and fulfilment into your life - without so much pushing. There’s this possibility for growth with Yoga when you can take it off the mat. It gives you the tools

to be whole.”


Yoga can help you physically, with posture and strength. But yoga is much more than the physical postures (Asana). By involving the breath, the practice becomes more then the physical, it also becomes about the mind. What Asana is to the body, the Breath practices (pranayama) are to the mind. Yoga thus encompasses a Mind Body practice.

Woman Meditating at Home


The preparation for meditation will help you get into meditation quicker and deeper. In class we use gentle asana and breath to help you take your seat, noticing your body and breath, gently moving into stillness.

Herbal Medicine

Herbs taking with guidance can help with chronic conditions, help you get back into balance and optimise your health. Our consultations are thorough and herbs are prescribed according to your constitution, energetics as well as presenting concern

Retreat: Yoga & Coaching

  • Tune in to the wisdom of your mind and reconnect with your body.
  • A time that belongs to you, breathing in the nature, and exploring the beauty of the Welsh countryside.
  • A time to reconnect with your body and mind through daily yoga and meditation practices
  • A time to tune in to your body with massages, herbalism and naturopathy
  • A time to bring your wisdom to the forefront where your creativity comes alive, and your unexplored topics became known.
  • A time of learning how your body, your mind and your brain work together to be a happier, and better version of your authentic self.
  • This is a unique yoga retreat where we bring together a nourishing yoga practice, with naturopathy and herbs allowing you to reconnect with your body, mind and spirit.
  • Upon reconnecting with your presence, we artfully bring about your desired outcome (goal) to a greater discovery and knowledge with full confidentiality (facilitator has no insight to your desired outcome unless you choose to share).
  • Are you ready to tap into the magic of you and make your vision come alive ?
  • With exclusive use of the Plas Hafod hotel giving space and freedom throughout, whether you want to connect with our other retreat members or relax in your own space.

MARCH 24-27TH 2023

Early bird Prices : from £610 if booked before 24th December 2022

Please email for full details.

Lighted Candles on Bronze Tray on Bed

Main Services


Group Class :

Friday 10.30am East Barnet

Monday 7pm Mill Hill

Private Class:

Please email your enquiry

Herbal Medicine

1hr Initial Consulation: £150

30min Follow up: £80

(Herbs not included)

Smita is a fantastic yoga teacher, her style is gentle, authentic and serving. I feel renewed after each class. My favourite teacher at Yogabalance

- Mandy jones


I have been seeing Smita for herbal medicine for a year now and she has really helped me with my sleep issues and energy which I had been struggling with for 10 years!

- Lindy martin

I can’t recommend Smita enough, her relaxations are the best. I wish I had a recording of her voice.

- jaya shah



Email: info@yogabalance.co.uk

In person/online

In person classes in East Barnet & Mill Hill

Herbal Consulations in East Barnet and Online

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